various ways can be done by way of palpation tub, see (trials = despite high prices ralatif) and feelings.
Here we will try to choose a dove seen heights of physical characteristics:
Head shape
Choose a bird that has a large head and the front of the skull is higher than the back skull "Nonong", but choose who has the degree of slope between the base of the nose to the top of the cranium of 45-60, who do not have a 90 degree slope, because it usually forms the head spt is owned by the only good bird down on the head of the "middle" (direction jam12.00). different to that sloped 45-60, it's the head of a type OK down from any direction. besides the usual form of the head of a bird with the more intelligent (given to pigeons altitude indispensable feeling that having high levels of intelligence)
Form part
Choose a beak-shaped "merit" (tapered at the ends), not too big and not too long. Choose the length of the nose has until the end half is slightly shorter than the distance of the base of the nose to the top of the skull.
Eye as the primary weapon for the pigeons to find the movement would not be discounted in terms of his election. Choose a currency that has a pupil (eye ore) in solid black and responsive to light (will enlarge and shrink quickly when receiving light change stimuli). Choose which also has a circular ring attached to the eye ore (usually green) fourth ore roving eye hanging down in front. As for the color of the eyes, choose colors that have two eyes, usually a blend of amber with a light yellow, dark red with dark green, or pink with white. Choose a central color mwmpunyai more immersed than the outer color, so it would seem obvious difference between the two (if we look at the bird's eye shade / not exposed to direct light). if we look at the bird's eyes when exposed to direct sunlight, then the two will merge and eye color looks like titik2 color blends.
If the area, by some friends, state, shape, and size of the nose is never ignored. but does not agree with that will pass, because according to experience, various forms has advantages and kelemehan nose. according nose also plays a role for pigeons find his way home (besides feelingnya), some other favorite nose:
1. big, long, puffy (not "Prambon" / derivative of carrier pigeons), with a nose shaped like this when it has colors such as lime and the base of the nose dark bottom protrudes backward.
2. big, long, "trepes" / attached to half (if the bird is "Prambon"), shaped like the nose such as this if you have a solid lime color but looks vaguely parallel garis2 throughout kemerah2an colored nose, and the bottom base of the nose protrudes backward.
3. small, bulging (strain Java, Java tentacle either Java or pure-bred), with a nose shaped like this when it has a solid lime color and the bottom base of the nose protrudes backward. As for when the base of the nose straight shape, this bird likes to "gaburan" / play at home, the birds usually do not require jauh2 distance to fly high, fly selection of partners is important that a draw and worth (even if birds with nasal types such as this will go home much longer when removed, even sometimes missing).
is still argue that the neck is the main tool for pigeons to "methyl" / "njungkel" / "nunjem" / "nenggel" / "thel". select that neck strength and not too long, select the collar length slightly shorter than her sternum. also select forte neck bones, upright, tight and looked up (when the birds noticed something, usually movement), but will return slacken / bend as before. because that is always upright neck seemed stiff, and the quality of "methyl" less flexible than the type mentioned earlier that the neck bone.
as the primary means of bird wings to fly benar2 should we have to choose the best, some examples al:
1. shoulder wings must be strong and flexible / not stiff, to be varied shapes, some rounded thick, muscular short. there are also who form a flat, wide muscular.
2. wing feathers are not thick wavy tight. which also select the width (Landung) a distance of one feather meetings with other reply. tapered tip of the feather.
3. Strong bones of the wing feathers a little bending on the tip bristles
select also has wings that look a bit "mekongkong" when held. who do not have the wings closer to the body, because the quality will decline much faster that has a little wing "mekongkong".
Breast forms
Choose form a V-shaped chest (when viewed from the front), which do not form O, especially elip flat / flat. bird with chest lettered V shape will usually fall winds from any direction. unlike anything shaped O (hny bgs down on kepala/jam12.00), because if you fall down the pace a bit skewed usually bird-shaped chest sptri will be reduced.
Choose a breastbone that have long index finger is slightly longer than adult org, or at least as long. sseperti experience problems pny this form:
1. shaped like a 'tick': with blk sternum protrudes backward, so the birds are usually heart-shaped. birds with this type sprti sternum with other devices that typically adequate to calm down / not shake.
2. sprti boat-shaped: with other devices that adequate and "cekelan" contain dense, birds will come down with a "nggenjot-nggenjot"
Sapit Shrimp
Some argue that the condition, size and shape distance "Sapit urang" does not affect the dove fly and turunny style, that from personal experience, when assessed from the flight of birds themselves are so far I have not found the influence of "Sapit urang" equal style flying birds. For problems but down sprtiny big impact. thickness and kuatny "Sapit urang" pigeon drop was also affected. sprti cont; pigeons with "Sapit URNG" meeting (no distance at all / "ganthet") biasany mempyai abilities that birds down, turunyny be slow. pigeons with "Sapit urang" is narrow, about 0.5-1cm (for large pigeons). 0.5 cm (for medium-sized pigeon) that birds mempyai down capabilities, will turunny megal-ol/goyang-goyang. distance pigeons with "Sapit urang" kira2> 1cm mempyai ability that birds down, going down with the "calm" / not goyang2, tentuny also supported measures "brutu" and ekorny form. conditions "Sapit URNG" who bent so far the experience: once pny birds at a distance "Sapit urang" kira2 1cm, before "Sapit URNG" crooked bird capable turung shoot fast and rough, because the shoot too hard, the bird down "ngebrok weak". then one of the "Sapit urangny" broken, undergo treatment after a few weeks "Sapit" disconnected but crooked door. since that time they will be still capable of birds fell down and shootny hny speed is reduced.
Waist / Brutu
differences in size and distance from waist / "brutu" pigeon tentuny if not impossible cool place apa2 influence on kinerjany. of which are large, small, medium, or who is meeting is tenuous. that from experience, is estranged from badanny waist will make the bird does not have that good balance. slow down the speed of birds, tentuny not be seen clearly ketidakseimbanganny with waist adany such as this. different birds with high-speed capability down / hard, if it has a loose waist such as this will be obvious when the bird fell head 12.00/atas o'clock. kemungklinan first bird will break down / turning halfway. The second possibility of birds descend at high speed without braking balance adany, akibatny birds will come down with hard (which has resulted in harm diriny Br).
different from that berjarqk waist tightly, either a big or small has its advantages which sdr2. with other tools that support, the bird with the "brutu" small meetings, will have type down "calm" / not goyang2. bird with "brutu" big meeting, will have the type of looks goyang2 down, when all the tooling support sebenarny goyang2ny it is throwing body art bird / "nggenjot2" when down.
thickness and shape of the tail when the bird we hold will tentuny bermacam2, from where we can sebenarny mengira2 down the power and style of the bird page.
choose a bird that has a tail feather meetings, thick and long (thick here must be adapted to handle / "cekelan" bird, u / grade thickness tail feathers will be different from the "cekelan" solid / "kiyel", padded / ngapuk, loud / Rapet / "atos" that just will not u / in express in writing) with the selection of TPI and learning that berulang2 psti someday we will be able to easily distinguish sizes that fit.
* When we hold the tail feathers will look together, the hallmark of "anus" small, such as tail shape is owned by a bird with down force "calm".
* When we hold the tail feathers will appear dilated on ujungny / morbidly clump together into one, it ciri2 of "brutu" big, biasany tail shape is owned by birds such as the down force "".
when we hold the tail merpatipun will cool place berbeda2 press down that, some "ndlosor", "ngawet" 45 degrees, and there is also that "ngawet" 90 degrees / place commonly called the "bengkuk".
u / style fly:
* Handle tail when the bird cool place "ngawet" 45 degrees: a bird with a tail such as this when the handle is released with a partner who handles the type of tail that same cool place, cool place style will be off / start playing rather broad and irregular (sometimes start yet birds are already heading higher toward a goal)
* MMP grip when birds tail "ngawet" 90 degrees / "bengkuk": bird with tail handle this such as when removed with partners who handle the type of tail that same cool place, cool place style will be off / start playing "tight", such as insect repellent (biasany bird reaching new heights ttntu towards goal)
* Handle tail when the bird cool place "ndlosor": bird with tail grip type cool place such as this fly style 2 possibilities. which first flew straight towards the goal. that both "nggandeng" / adherents partner.
when it comes to foot arches merit rather, crisp / looks "mbesisik" & length (both feet and fingers)
indented foot position when held / pushed backward parallel to the direction of the tail.
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